Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Beginning Of My Battle

After having an MRI ordered by my neurologist for my fibromyalgia and other issues I was having with dizzy spells, migraines and vision, it revealed a mass of sorts in my sinus cavity. It was put off as an infection and I was told I could take over the counter meds for colds.

Needless to say, they didn't help. I called my primary doc to see if I could be seen to find out if there was something else I could take to help get rid of the infection. Nope, said there was nothing they could do I should take mucinex.

Several months passed with no relief, so I called back. Still same response. I have a cold and over the counter meds should clear it up. I should get out and walk for fresh air, get a job to make myself feel better. Stop calling for meds because I wasn't getting any.

After hearing this over and over for about 3 years, I decided it was time they needed to listen to me. So I called the office and told them no way was I listening to them it was time for them to listen to me. I wanted to see somebody and didn't much care who. So they gave me an appointment with the nurse practitioner.

I went to see her. She asked what my problem was and how could she help me. First thing I said was, listen to what I had to say. Then I told her no way was I leaving that day unless there was some sort of plan in place to find out why I had been congested in my right nasal for 3 years. She hooked me up with a cat scan.

The cat scan revealed a tumor. One that had taken over the entire cavity. This was something that had been growing for a very long time. So of course I was sent to a specialist to follow up. He looked me over, checked out my ct results and said, yep we need to do a biopsy. Well, he tried to do it right then, however I started to hemorage in his office. Not a pretty sight!

So I was scheduled for surgery to get the biopsy and to remove the tumor. He said all went well. Of course I find out later that not only did he remove the tumor, but also the surrounding bone and tissue. I also found out that it had grown behind my eye and into my brain and ear canal. And yes, it was cancer! He had previously said it was most likely not cancer but more just a blockage or polyps. Boy was he wrong!

I now have a team of oncologists. Great group of guys! Full of words and descriptions that only college professors could understand. After having it broke down to normal terms, it appears that I will be undergoing a series of radiation treatments while also receiving chemo treatments. You guessed it, 5 days a week for a period of about 6 months. Seriously?? What the hell!?

On top of this, they have found several lumps in my neck and I will be having a series of scans and most likely more biopsy's to determine what they are and if they too are cancer. My life is taking a drastic turn right now. Though I need to maintain composure and remain strong so my kids don't completely frazzle out.

So with treatments and appointments piling up. The cost of fuel, supplies for nasal rinses, a humidifier, gauze and other items not covered by insurance, I'm looking at trying to find a way to pay for all of this while my income is limited to SSDI. Tupperware is a great business, but if you're sick and can't get out to do the work, there's no income! What little I can accomplish online goes to upkeep of my website and other expenses to maintain an active status.

I live with my disabled son. Honestly as a caregiver per say, he is doing his best. Some things I have to have help from others because it's just to creepy for me or him to get past. Things that most take for granted. Like getting to the bathroom, taking a shower, dressing, etc... Yes he's a great kid. I'm thankful I have attentive caring kids!

I've worked most of my life to raise 4 kids on my own. Sometimes up to 3 jobs at a time. I worked right up until I received my disability and then tried to continue doing something to keep busy. My kids are devastated by this. My family is in shock. How could something like this happen? How could this go unnoticed and untreated for so long?

How do these doctors sleep at night knowing they are overlooking something so important as a tumor in one of their patients? Is it my insurance type? Because I don't have loads money? Because I'm disabled? I basically feel like I was mistreated because of who I am and what my tax bracket is! Just not fair! Everyone should be treated the same regardless of who they are, where they come from or how much is in their bank account!

My only hope from this point is to get past the treatments and move on with the remainder of my life. Following the plan should make a difference in where I am now and where I want to be when finished. Keep the faith and hold your friends and family close!

I'll do my best to post updates. Keeping track of progress or set backs here for anyone who may also be dealing with similar issues.

Love and Light!